DWMERKEY Sculpture - Blog

Musings on art, beauty, culture, aesthetics, and the spiritual life by wood wall sculptor Douglas W. Merkey.

O, translucent treasure, how I love thee!

Avast, mates! It’s Captain Obvious, standing confidently amidships with yet another we-already-know-that observation: “Water is beautiful!”

“Aye, Cap’n!” you heartily respond with a chorus of water-loving sea dogs. And somehow, even the Captain’s parrot knows this rousing reply is about drinking water with one’s eyes, not one’s mouth. Aye, matey... there’s nothing like the mysterious soul-refreshment that comes from washing one’s aesthetic gullet with a tankard of water-borne beauty.  

That’s why swabs and landlubbers alike are prone to raise a glass to this blessed liquid gem. This beguiling translucent treasure is unequalled to thrill with its many movements, colors, and shapes. Like Greek sirens of old, she draws you in with her alluring beauty. Still, you can’t resist. Part of you doesn’t even want to resist. So, you cry with reckless abandon, “O bringer of beauty, swallow mine soul in thy blessed waves! May there ne’r be a day when I abandon thy mast!”

I, too, have been charmed by water’s aesthetic delights. I find in her an infinite well of inspiration. In self-imposed indenture, I serve her with abstract and semi-realistic artworks that sing her praises. Emerald Shallows is a good example of a water-inspired abstract piece. The colors, forms, material, and composition speak together of the water-sirens that inhabit The Emerald Coast of Florida. She’s become the first of many pieces inspired by such delightful, water-inspired aesthetics…

 … including sculptures like Grayscape. This piece tips her hat to water’s beautiful movements and forms while exploring a different palette.

The Deep Blue sea reminds of the liquid enchantress I met while at sea during my first (and so far, only) cruise. I was overcome with the profound blue hue of the sea surrounding our ship.

Several series of “windows” reminisce to looking through portals and other openings onto the rolling liquid beauty of various beach locales. Windows onto Vero Beach is a fitting ode to this beauty.

And then, there are the more representational tributes to my watery mistress. Big Waves is such a sculpture…

 … as is Honolua Bay Waves.

So, like thunderstruck mates standing before a glittering treasure, let’s drink deeply from water’s infinite well of beauty. I’d love to hear a story of how the beauty of water has inspired your soul….

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