DWMERKEY Sculpture - Blog

Musings on art, beauty, culture, aesthetics, and the spiritual life by wood wall sculptor Douglas W. Merkey.

Beauty as a remedy for our heart's chaos

There’s little doubt that anxiety, fear, anger, strife, and other heart-rending darknesses have risen in 2020.

So, how might we recover a sense of meaningful joy, peace, and hope?

Beholding beauty is at least part of the answer. As philosopher and writer John O’Donohue reminds us, “There are secret sources of courage inside every human heart; yet courage needs to be awakened in us. The encounter with the Beautiful can bring such awakening. Courage is a spark that can become the flame of hope, lighting new and exciting pathways in what seemed to be dead, dark landscapes.”*

Perhaps this is why so many of my Facebook friends post pictures of sunsets and other beautiful natural scenes. We all inherently know that “the encounter with the Beautiful” awakens something in us - courage, yes, but also joy, peace, hope, and a long list of other delightful, healthy things.

In a world that seems to exalt ugliness, it’s more important than ever to pursue beauty. Some practical suggestions:

  • Stop what you’re doing to behold that glorious sunrise or sunset laid before you.

  • Take walks or trips to places just to reconnect with natural beauty.

  • Carry your phone or camera with you and keep a purposeful eye out to beauty. Then stop and take a picture of it when you encounter it.

  • Acquire beautiful art and adorn your home or office with things which lift your soul.

  • Visit an art museum and let your heart deeply inhale the beauty around you.

“When we awaken to the call of beauty, we become aware of a new way of being in the world.”** Let the awakening begin!

*John O’Donohue, Beauty - The Invisible Embrace, p. 6

**ibid, p. 7

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